
Hotel Utopía

Benalup-Casas Viejas,  Spain

Phone: +(34) 956419532 Fax: +(34) 956417939

Price: 112 - 256 € (Average)

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UTOPÍA is more than a hotel, more than a hostelry and more than a museum; Utopía is a town within a town. Evoking the 30’s and located among patios, gardens and terraces facing the “Alcornocales” nature reserve, Utopía is an amazing small old houses maze, which offers us an absolutely outstanding cultural and leisure choice. UTOPÍA is a time break, a point where forgetfulness and memory meet the 30’s, one of the more exciting periods of the 20th century. It is an absolutely essential visit for a traveller getting to Cádiz since it brings the opportunity to approximate to the beautiful south. Poetas, Estrecho, Tanger, Republica, Utopia, Art Decó, Jazz, Tango, Cabaret, Paris, Casas Viejas, Ilustración, Paquebot, Estrellas, Vanguardias and Zeppelin are the names and the themes that characterize every room, making the Utopia Hotel one of the most special and best quality accommodations in Spain. Four artists and various furniture designers from different countries were hired to create unique rooms and stylishly decorate every part of Utopia with spectacular fresco's and collages on the walls and ceilings, and with a selection of objects from the 30's. All this combined with the natural surroundings and the silent and cultural atmosphere turn a night at Utopia into a marvellous dream.

Hotel Utopía
Doctor Rafael Bernal, 32 (11190) - Benalup-Casas Viejas (Spain)


Hotel Utopía Doctor Rafael Bernal, 32 Benalup-Casas Viejas 11190 Spain